Tag degli Archivi: Tettonica

Stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the uppermost Carboniferous succession of the Eastern Asturian Basin (Gamonedo-Areñas de Cabrales area, Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain

VENTURINI C., PONDRELLI M. & PASINI M., 1998 Giorn. Geol., 60, 48-70. Il presente lavoro esamina l’evoluzione tardo paleozoica del bacino orientale delle Asturie (settore Gamonedo-Areñas de Cabrales, Spagna NO). I risultati sono ottenuti attraverso l’analisi lito-e biostratigrafica (associazioni a fusuline), di facies e paleotettonica della successione tardo moscoviano-kasimoviana inf., potente circa 2.000 m. Viene presentato […]

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Neoalpine structural evolution of the Carnic Alps central core

Mt. Amariana, Mt. Plauris, Mt. San Simeone The scope of this paper is to describe the Neoalpine tectonics and kinematics of an area corresponding to the seismic core of the Friuli region. The study area spreads along the middle part of the Tagliamento River valley and is located between the Carnic and the Julian Alps […]

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